Mother/Android (2021)
In a dystopian future, a young woman, Georgia (Chloë Grace Moretz), and her partner, Sam (Algee Smith), are forced to fight for survival in the midst of a deadly war between humans and artificial intelligence. The story begins when Georgia, who is pregnant, finds herself trapped in a country ravaged by androids that have turned violent against humans. As the couple tries to escape the chaos, Georgia’s pregnancy becomes a key focal point, with the androids specifically targeting her because of it. With Sam’s determination to protect her, the couple embarks on a dangerous journey across a wasteland filled with hostile androids. In the face of overwhelming odds, their love and hope for a better future push them forward.
Mother/Android combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival with a tense sci-fi thriller, focusing on themes of parenthood, technology’s darker potential, and survival in an unforgiving world. The tone is bleak and relentless, as the characters are constantly on edge, navigating a world where the machines they once relied on have turned against humanity.